Monday, November 15, 2010

im back babeyh

hey2 ;D im sorry i was dead a few months ago~jkjk..i stilll dun know the point of doin this -.-...wat's up?well,had a great time playing futsal with haryz,farris,fairuz,aiman,afif,fai and haryz's dad.Ooops not to forget,theawesome-est dude i've ever met in my life Hezril! tananam :D..librarians dinner?good food is all i can was the last day of school so yeah,byebye form 1 :D everyone got "keletong-ed" by saying there's a spotcheck xD i brought a camera to school :{D but x kene rampas XP bcuz it's just a picture of a camera :D:D dgr radio in class yea,bye 1amiga ..hello 2 amiga(i think) thank you everyone for making this year a memorable year :)

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