Monday, November 15, 2010

im back babeyh

hey2 ;D im sorry i was dead a few months ago~jkjk..i stilll dun know the point of doin this -.-...wat's up?well,had a great time playing futsal with haryz,farris,fairuz,aiman,afif,fai and haryz's dad.Ooops not to forget,theawesome-est dude i've ever met in my life Hezril! tananam :D..librarians dinner?good food is all i can was the last day of school so yeah,byebye form 1 :D everyone got "keletong-ed" by saying there's a spotcheck xD i brought a camera to school :{D but x kene rampas XP bcuz it's just a picture of a camera :D:D dgr radio in class yea,bye 1amiga ..hello 2 amiga(i think) thank you everyone for making this year a memorable year :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Wont Feel A Thing :)

So lay your cuts and bruises over my skin.I promise you won't feel a thing.Cause everything the world could throw.I'll stand in front.I'll take the blow for you. I promise baby you won't ever,You won't ever feel a thing.:):D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


HANEE :D i remembered the time when Suraj called you Hanee..u said "shut up" lol kesian suraj XD i post this bcuz tahanee paksa me ^^ i shall wish you 'Slamat Hri Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin'hopefully all of the things i had done that hurt you are forgiven :D and yea STEWIE creepy kott XD (copy this link to see tahanee in a cartoon :D) have a safe trip to your hometown...that's all i guess *Saya Disini Dipaksa Untuk Membuat Post ini :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey i'm back :D it's been awhile i didn't update this blog..sry :B i would like too wish 'Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin' to all the muslim's out there especially to the some people who i care of :) to Yasmin have a safe and nice trip to your 'kampung' make sure to give me cookies ^^,i wanna try 'em..Love You :) 'you're just amazing just the way you are'

Friday, August 6, 2010

love and dota :D:D

a bit to the LOOL...~Not-So-Destructible~Ze Awesome Shazone(Drow),A Little Bit Awesome Aril(Void) & Not So Awesome Aiman(Ursa) :D:D..w00t2 i got a feeling tomorrow's gonna be a good day :D:D WWE in the class,Shaheez,TheCobraXDXD made a "karangan" wif diana but actually just merepek2 jerh XDXD "kene langgar hamster(diana) terus msok hosp XDXD xbolebela..I ♥ Y....N more than i love myself :3..*Psst*Iloveyou ♥ ....loves to hear her voice in the CUTE + ADORABLE=cutedaroble???lol...but she is cute...and i love it :3

Saturday, July 17, 2010


w002 just came back from sumthing dinner at school...Damn tired and sleepy but i dun wanna sleep onlining :Di dun wanna leave her alone..SHIT monday there will be a 'pemilihan pengawas PSS'i hope i will get it NOT! XDXD that's all i guess if 'you're' readin this i just wanna say ILOVEYOU :)"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams"

Monday, June 14, 2010

An awesome time

im talkin bout footbal fever not bieber fever.And they say there is no cure,there is actually..dont hear to his songs :D.back to my topic i've been havin not enough sleep in the past few days because of the World Cup,i stayed all night and chatted wif aiman and yasmin till the 2.30 match started ..and when the world cup has ended i will miss stayin up late.Sleeping late equals to my brain not workin so the thhings that i read and said i didn't remember a thing but ill remember that i stayed up..And juz now i maki aiman XD(sry aiman)somehow tiba2 pns O.o..maybe all of the stress but my two bestfriends letten me takin a chill pill and cool down and i learned a lesson when im in stress maki org :D,Did an awesome hing wif my cat..And2 to aiman and aril i changed my mind im not gonna quit dota :D...And during these past days i somehow feel happy because of someone and i like it that way(uwhen i think of u i suddenly smile :3)..woah this is a long post XD..Ciao!

Friday, June 11, 2010


did u know???that u know so u think that i know and u know that i know?(LOL)weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is totaly random w00t2 XD

Monday, May 31, 2010

it's ok

if u guys hate's juz u dun have the awesome-ness in u and u can take her..i'd rather be a solo man :D(weeeeeeeeeeeeee)..and sorry if i'm a jerk and i like it that way...u got a prob dun come back to me (weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)DAMN this blog seemed gay(ish)and i dun wanna talk bad to u guys cuz i know u guys are too perfect and u guys dun wanna be friends to someone as "jackass" as me(damn y i am talkin bout my feelings)and again i'm sorry and u guys are still my friend eventhough i'm not u'r friend
by:theawesome-estshazone(good name?)

and i'm so sorry

Friday, May 28, 2010


I think of u every minute,every hour & every day ,not even a second i'll stop thinkin of u but everytime i wanna talk to u..i'll go speechless and maybe will reply a bit slow...but everytime i see u,u made me smile eventhough i'm having a rough day and that's wat makes u so special :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

everybody's got their special someone

well my special someone is my everything,she is like my heart and i nid it to stay alive.She is maybe ain't a perfect person,as for me she is just too perfect.I am willing to do anything just to get her and iloveher in many ways :)

all i can say ,only u can do the others

If i have to choose between loving you and my last breath,i will use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU


Friend is a common word that comes in mine to ourselves,friends are the people who we can rely on when we have probs.As for me i have my two bestfriends or we use to call it wing-mans and their names are aril and aiman,they helped me in many probs and i do help them too.Some people have friends but their friends dont like them so much but if this thing happened to someone,i would like to be their friend and i know that i can help them in many ways..As my friend always say "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED"

thanks for readin!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


this is my third blog today and i dun know wats the point of making this freakin blog!!!!

wats the point??

i made this blog cuz i wanted to comment on my friends blog and it ended up to CANNOT COMMENT WTF ==


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...i have a blog XD...ppl who are reading this make a blog than u can "join this un-useful thingy" ==