Wednesday, March 16, 2011

16/3/2011's been so long since i've opened's propably dead or something XD well watever i write here is in a term of "syok sendiri" woosh,it means you're like over excited by your own.Yes,sad case.nothing much to say,i'm not a fan of blogging but i'm starting to love it.Because it's the only time i read stuff in the middle of the night other than chat replies,comments,inbox's etc.Well,went to sunway today ^^ with some peeps..we din do much but food makes everything better :B munchmunchmunch :3 if you guys wanna see my tumblr or u dun want to..u can just type "" (well,u just copy and paste it XP)my tumblr is kinda lame.well that's all i think XD if any of u guys have a tumblr acc do follow me :B Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

im back babeyh

hey2 ;D im sorry i was dead a few months ago~jkjk..i stilll dun know the point of doin this -.-...wat's up?well,had a great time playing futsal with haryz,farris,fairuz,aiman,afif,fai and haryz's dad.Ooops not to forget,theawesome-est dude i've ever met in my life Hezril! tananam :D..librarians dinner?good food is all i can was the last day of school so yeah,byebye form 1 :D everyone got "keletong-ed" by saying there's a spotcheck xD i brought a camera to school :{D but x kene rampas XP bcuz it's just a picture of a camera :D:D dgr radio in class yea,bye 1amiga ..hello 2 amiga(i think) thank you everyone for making this year a memorable year :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Wont Feel A Thing :)

So lay your cuts and bruises over my skin.I promise you won't feel a thing.Cause everything the world could throw.I'll stand in front.I'll take the blow for you. I promise baby you won't ever,You won't ever feel a thing.:):D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


HANEE :D i remembered the time when Suraj called you Hanee..u said "shut up" lol kesian suraj XD i post this bcuz tahanee paksa me ^^ i shall wish you 'Slamat Hri Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin'hopefully all of the things i had done that hurt you are forgiven :D and yea STEWIE creepy kott XD (copy this link to see tahanee in a cartoon :D) have a safe trip to your hometown...that's all i guess *Saya Disini Dipaksa Untuk Membuat Post ini :D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey i'm back :D it's been awhile i didn't update this blog..sry :B i would like too wish 'Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin' to all the muslim's out there especially to the some people who i care of :) to Yasmin have a safe and nice trip to your 'kampung' make sure to give me cookies ^^,i wanna try 'em..Love You :) 'you're just amazing just the way you are'

Friday, August 6, 2010

love and dota :D:D

a bit to the LOOL...~Not-So-Destructible~Ze Awesome Shazone(Drow),A Little Bit Awesome Aril(Void) & Not So Awesome Aiman(Ursa) :D:D..w00t2 i got a feeling tomorrow's gonna be a good day :D:D WWE in the class,Shaheez,TheCobraXDXD made a "karangan" wif diana but actually just merepek2 jerh XDXD "kene langgar hamster(diana) terus msok hosp XDXD xbolebela..I ♥ Y....N more than i love myself :3..*Psst*Iloveyou ♥ ....loves to hear her voice in the CUTE + ADORABLE=cutedaroble???lol...but she is cute...and i love it :3