Monday, June 14, 2010

An awesome time

im talkin bout footbal fever not bieber fever.And they say there is no cure,there is actually..dont hear to his songs :D.back to my topic i've been havin not enough sleep in the past few days because of the World Cup,i stayed all night and chatted wif aiman and yasmin till the 2.30 match started ..and when the world cup has ended i will miss stayin up late.Sleeping late equals to my brain not workin so the thhings that i read and said i didn't remember a thing but ill remember that i stayed up..And juz now i maki aiman XD(sry aiman)somehow tiba2 pns O.o..maybe all of the stress but my two bestfriends letten me takin a chill pill and cool down and i learned a lesson when im in stress maki org :D,Did an awesome hing wif my cat..And2 to aiman and aril i changed my mind im not gonna quit dota :D...And during these past days i somehow feel happy because of someone and i like it that way(uwhen i think of u i suddenly smile :3)..woah this is a long post XD..Ciao!

Friday, June 11, 2010


did u know???that u know so u think that i know and u know that i know?(LOL)weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is totaly random w00t2 XD